The message was : "Proper PUSH in a proper TIME can make an individual/object MOVE and again proper PUSH in a proper TIME can also make an individual/object STOP".
Whenever in Life, before motivating or pushing someone* for something*, please get to know the current status of the individual that whether he/she is moving (i.e. has some plans for future) or he/she is still (i.e. confused in deciding). It is only then your push can be notified as beneficial or as blockage.
(* Here someone can be your child, friend, parents, boss, assistance,... &something can be studies, work, enjoyment or any action.)
Was this vision beneficial ?, Please share your moral or any situation where you would have faced the same...
nice one dude... but make this as a three dimensional one, like "proper push in a proper time with a proper force".. think about it...